PROSOFT PLC是一种数字运算操作的电子系统,专为在工业环境下应用而设计。它采用了可编程序的存储器,用来在其内部存储执行逻辑运算,顺序控制、定时、计算和算术运算等操作的指令,并通过数字式和模拟式的输入输出,控制各种类型的机械或生产过程。
PROSOFT PLC对用户来说,是一种无触点设备,改变程序即可改变生产工艺,因此可在初步设计阶段选用可编程控制器,在实施阶段再确定工艺过程。另一方面,从制造生产可编程控制器的厂商角度看,在制造阶段不需要根据用户的订货要求设计控制器,适合批量生产。
PROSOFT PLC问世以后很快受到工业控制界的欢迎,并得到迅速的发展。目前,可编程控制器已成为工厂自动化的强有力工具,得到了广泛的应用。
PROSOFT PLC之所以有生命力,在于它更加适合工业现场和市场的要求:高可靠性、强抗各种干扰的能力、编程安装使用简便、格**命。比之单片机,它的输入输出端更接近现场设备,不需添加太多的中间部件或需要更多的接口,这样节省了用户时间和成本。
PROSOFT PLC的下端(输入端)为继电器、晶体管和晶闸管等控制部件,而上端一般是面向用户的微型计算机。人们在应用它时,可以不必进行计算机方面的培训,就能对可编程控制器进行操作及编程。用来完成各种各样的复杂程度不同的工业控制任务。
A network's performance is affected by attributes specific to the installation site. Consider the following cautions, where possible, to optimize your network installation:
Design the network to use less than 2048 radios (per network)
Place radios within the specified 15 miles of each other
Add repeater to extend distance or where line of sight is limited
Radios or antennas CANNOT be placed within 8 inches (20 cm) of where people will be
Though radio frequency communication is reliable, sometimes its performance can be affected by intangibles. A good network installation plan includes time and resources for performance testing and installation changes.
Test the installation plan (page 41) before the network installation is complete.
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
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July 9, 2012
To begin, determine where you need radios and then choose locations for them accordingly. For example, you might decide to install your master radio near a PC in a central plant location (You can use the PC to configure the radios through the RadioLinx Configuration Manager). If the plant is an oil refinery, for example, you might decide to install radios near the oil tanks.
The next important issue is how to link the radios. Unless the radios are very close together, you must make sure that each pair of radio antennas in the network has a line of sight between them. In other words, you must be able to see from one antenna to another, either with the naked eye, or with binoculars.
If a line of sight does not exist between antennas, you must choose a site for installing a repeater radio, which will create a bridge between the radio antennas.
Choose the appropriate antennas for the network. If an antenna will be connected to the radio by a long cable, you might need to purchase a power amplifier, which is available from ProSoft Technology. The more distance between an antenna and its radio, the more ** loss the radio will have. For more information, see Antennas (page 140).
Consider drawing up your network plans on paper. As part of the drawing, you should assign a logical name to each radio. You can use these names later when configuring the radios in the RadioLinx Configuration Manager.
As part of your planning, you might want to conduct a site survey. ProSoft Technology can perform this survey, you can do it yourself, or you can hire a surveyor.
Protect radios from direct exposure to weather, and provide an adequate, stable power source. Make sure that your plan complies with
Before you configure and install the network, you should create a plan for it. The following points assume that you are creating a bridge network of a master and repeaters, as needed, to work with devices on existing wireless LANs.
The simplest way to design the physical network of radios, antennas, connectors, cables, amplifiers and other accessories, is to use ProSoft Wireless Designer (page 22). This application determines your hardware needs based on your answers to a few questions, and then generates a Bill of Materials specifying all the components you will need for your installation.
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